It is generally believed that those who believe in conspiracy theories find it extremely difficult to change their minds. Conspiracy theories include the moon landings being faked or the covid-19 vaccine containing microchips. Such beliefs often have dire consequences.
There is hope – recently researchers have shown that artificial intelligence (AI) can influence conspiracy beliefs.
Associate Professor of American University. A study led by Thomas Costello has shown that AI is capable of effectively instilling critical thinking and countering conspiracy theories with evidence-based reasoning. The study included 2,190 participants who already believed in conspiracy theories. They are discussed with an AI system called 'Debunkbot'.
Each participant presented their conspiracy belief and its evidence to the AI and then discussed it in three steps. After the discussion they are asked to evaluate the truth of their own beliefs. There their opinion is taken in 100 scale. Participants who discussed conspiracies with AIs saw a 20% decrease in belief. There was little change in participants discussing other topics.
Dr. About one in four people who started out believing in conspiracy theories abandoned that belief after the experiment, Costello said.
He also said that AI sometimes makes people a little skeptical and uncertain. However, some participants renounced their conspiratorial beliefs entirely. This effect lasted for at least two months and applies to almost all types of conspiracy theories. However, theories that were based on real data did not change much.
The results of this study show that artificial intelligence can play a preventive role against the spread of false information. Especially through social media. However, Cambridge University professor Sander van der Linden and other experts have questioned whether people would be interested in such discussions with AI in real life. But through this research, it is clear that AI can play an important role in countering conspiracy theories.