India has extended the visa of ousted Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina through legal proceedings, a day after the cancellation of her Bangladesh passport. Indian media outlet Anandabazar reported this information on Wednesday.
The report, citing diplomatic sources, said that the International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) of Bangladesh issued an arrest warrant for Hasina from India two days ago. Hasina and her co-accused have been asked to appear before the tribunal by February 12.
National Independent Commission of Inquiry Chairman Major General Fazlur Rahman said that if India does not send Sheikh Hasina, the commission is willing to go to India to question her, subject to permission. India has seen the whole matter as a tactic to increase pressure on New Delhi. In this context, the Modi government recently extended the residence permit of Sheikh Hasina to stay in India.
Earlier, Bangladesh had cancelled the passports of 97 people, including Sheikh Hasina. The decision was taken to drop the charges of repression during the July movement.
Since there is no political asylum law in India, Sheikh Hasina has been granted legal residence in India through the FRRO. However, it is not yet clear for how long this exemption has been granted.