Angry students have attacked various government buildings in India's northeastern state of Manipur. They attacked the Raj Bhavan and the office of the Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Manipur in the morning local time on Monday. At that time, they lowered a flag drawn at the DC office and hoisted a satranga flag. However, it was not confirmed whether the flag that was brought down was the national flag of India.
This information has been reported in various Indian media. Students in Manipur attacked the main government building there on Monday, India Today said. The protest of the students has intensified. Angry students attacked the Raj Bhavan and the Deputy Commissioner's office in Thibal.
Earlier, thousands of students took to the streets of the capital Imphal to demand major changes in the state's security system. At that time they alleged that the government administration has failed to ensure the security of the state.
The protesting students demanded the central government to remove the current security adviser of the state and give maximum powers to the state government to restore peace in Manipur. Protesters say local authorities should take over security operations to better deal with the ongoing crisis.
The protesting students attempted to attack the residence of state Chief Minister Biren Singh. The security forces fired tear gas and baton charge to control the situation. Later, the angry students staged a sit-in in front of the Raj Bhavan.
A video of angry students of Manipur taking down a flag from the government office and hoisting another flag there has gone viral on social media Facebook. Eastmojo reports that the newly hoisted flag by the students is believed to be the Kanglipak or Salai Turret flag.