India's West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee sat for more than two hours in Navanna meeting hall on Thursday for a meeting with doctors. But the meeting did not happen. After that, Mamata said in a press conference from Navanna that she is willing to resign.
The junior doctors of the state have been sitting on dharna in front of the health building since last Tuesday in protest against the RG tax case. Before this, the Chief Minister wanted to sit in a meeting with them for two consecutive days. The meeting collapsed for the third time on Thursday.
The doctors had given two main conditions in the meeting with the Chief Minister from the beginning. They wanted the meeting to be telecasted live. They wanted to hold a meeting in Navanna with 30 representatives. However, the state objected to both these conditions.
After the meeting broke down, Mamata said from Navanna on Thursday, “I could not solve it even in three days. I apologize to the people of Bengal. I forgave those who came before Navanna but did not come to the meeting. I agree to resign. Ordinary people did not understand color. They don't want justice. wants a chair I hope people understand that." Source: Anandbazar, NDTV